and weight loss have always been paired, as they are generally seen
as a healthy option. We seem to associate anything we find on the
fruit aisle as a healthy option, and great on a diet. For the most
part, this is not a vast misconception. Most fruits have good
calorific values, are mostly lacking in any fat or cholesterol. Yet
many fruits are not excellent for people who are looking to cut
calories and this is often caused by the concept of 'natural' sugars.
There is an idea within healthy eating that fruit sugars are better
for you and that they have better effects on the body. This causes
many dieters to take in a lot of fruit, thinking the sugar in them is
good for them. The fact is that any carbohydrate, that includes
glucose (sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar) all contain 4 calories per
gram. The key therefore to weight loss and fruit is to find the
fruits which limit the sugar content, and have good levels of
vitamins and minerals. This will make them filling, but not
calorific. This blog will look at which 4 fruits are best to eat to
boost weight loss.
1. Grapefruit
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Pink great-fruit? |
is a common fruit in fruit salads across the country and it also
happens to be a champion weight loss fruit. A hundred grams of
grapefruit contains only 32 calories, a tiny amount of your daily
calorie needs. Pink grapefruit has no fat, salt or cholesterol, and
contains 8g of carbohydrates, with 6g of this coming from sugar. This
means that grapefruit tastes good, while not giving you needless
calories. As a body booster, it also contains excellent amount of
vitamin C, an antioxidant that's great for your general health and
immune system, as well as good amounts of vitamin A, another
antioxidant which supports the formation of teeth and bones. To top
it off, grapefruit is also particularly filling, meaning that you
wont find yourself back in the fridge too quickly after you have your
100g of grapefruit.
2. Watermelon
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Better for you than you think... |
gives away it's low calorie properties in its name. Watermelon is 92%
water, meaning that it is really low in calories. In fact a 100g
slice of watermelon will only add 30 calories to your diet, so it's
almost like not eating at all! The calories come from the
carbohydrates, with 8g in total, and 6g from sugar. This sugar is
mostly fructose, the fruit sugar we mentioned earlier. This
demonstrates that fruit still adds calories and cannot be ignored. To
help your body out, watermelon contains extra vitamin C and A again,
and of course, no salt, cholesterol or fat. Watermelon also happens
to be filling, so you won't need a lot of it, and to really help out,
it has a very low glycaemic load, so the sugar you do eat won't send
your blood sugar through the roof (if you're a parent take note, the
sugars in watermelon will not go straight to your kids heads!).
3. Cantaloupe
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Cantaloupe is filled with good stuff! |
is a type of melon that is more common in the USA than it is in the
UK. If you visit your local supermarket though you are sure to find
some, and by finding some, you find an excellent source of diet
boosting food. Cantaloupes only have 34 calories per 100g, so you can
almost gorge on it without adding too many calories. The sugar
content is 8g per 100g, making cantaloupe a sweeter tasting fruit
than watermelon and grapefruit, and yet you only give away 2 extra
calories on the grapefruit. Cantaloupe is stuffed full of
beta-carotene which is an important antioxidant, and is amazing for
your body, as well as good levels of vitamin C. It also contains a
good amount of potassium, important for muscle function. It's
important that you wash cantaloupe properly, as it can have
salmonella growing on its skin, so clean it thoroughly and don't keep
it over 3 days.
4. Strawberries
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Not just for the summer... |
are a very British food, synonymous with tennis, English summers and
cream. But if you take away the cream, rainy summer days and rackets,
you're left with a fruit that is high in taste, but low in calories.
In 100g of strawberries you will find only 32 calories, with no fat,
cholesterol or salt. The sugars that are contained in strawberries
total only 5g, and you also get 2g of fibre in 100g of strawberry, so
it aids your digestive transit. Strawberries, much like other fruits
packs in a lot of vitamin C, but strawberries also have 19% if your
daily manganese, an essential nutrient for energy production.
Strawberries are a filling choice and have a good balance of vitamins
and minerals, making them an excellent choice for the health
Are There Bad Fruits?
are never going to be as high in calories as the foods which are high
in fat, as fat has higher calorific values than sugar. That means
that if you choose fruit, you cannot go too wrong, but below are a
number of fruits which (in 100g) have significantly more calories
than our weight loss fruits above, and might be better to avoid when
you want a low calorie snack...
- Prunes – 339 calories
- Raisins – 229 calories
- Plantains – 122 calories
- Passion Fruit – 97 calories
- Bananas – 89 calories
- Pomegranates – 83 calories
this doesn't mean that the fruits above are bad for you, just that
they contain more calories, and as such are beneficial for many
reasons, but are not too useful as a snack when you are looking to
reduce calories. Try the low calorie fruits as your food of choice
when you feel like you need to eat between meals, as they are
filling, nutritious and low in additional calories.
can find out more about fruits on our other blogs, including 4 fruits for athletic performance and 4 fruits for immune system boosting.
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