Monday 11 February 2013

How to Make Nutritious, Healthy Pancakes

So it is Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day tomorrow and that affords us the opportunity to eat pancakes with anything on for dinner. The tradition comes from clearing your cupboards ready for lent, but now we just use the day as an excuse to flip pancakes and indulge ourselves. People often see Pancake Day as a day out of their diet, but this does not have to be the case. Here we will look at the premium pancake for a number of training and health goals. See if there are any that you will benefit from...

Sunday 10 February 2013

4 Good Food Gone Bad: Some 'Good' Foods Can Be Bad For You

If you’re an avid follower of health foods, regularly finding yourself on nutrition websites, then you might find you are constantly told that some foods are ‘good’ and others are ‘bad’. These articles can make you question whether something is good or bad for you. What you should be asking yourself is ‘is this food good for me?’ The difference is that many foods have positive and negative aspects. I’m always asked about good and bad food, but even a spoon of butter can be right for your diet if you’re deficient in those nutrients. That said, we consider some foods very good for us, when in fact they are hiding nutrients that you might not be aware of. In this blog, we will look at 4 foods which have generally got a good reputation, but are hiding excesses that you might not need. We’ll also suggest alternatives which can help!

Friday 8 February 2013

5 Reasons Should You Eat Baked Potato!

Is potato good for you?

Somebody told me recently that a baked potato was 'the worst thing you can eat'. When I asked them why this was the case, they told me that it was full of starch and just added calories that you didn't need. It is quite amazing how peoples opinions of nutrition can be changed by fad diets and health points systems. The fact that the potato before any cooking is packed with excellent nutritious benefits was lost on this person who viewed the potato, and starch, as generally bad for you.

I have always been a firm believer in a balanced diet and lifestyle, and as such, have always promoted a healthy amount of starchy carbohydrates in order to have the energy for exercise. Remember, eating well is only part of a healthy lifestyle, part two is exercise, and without good quality energy sources, you're going to find that you have less get up and go, and all the extra calories you eat will be stored as fat. So lets have a look at the baked potato, and 5 reasons why it is better than people might think...